2nd Annual Winter Frolic Fundraiser
February 14, 2018
SEA became the owner of the historical site in 2017 and plans to develop it into a key attraction for the area. This fundraiser will help support that effort and provide Island residents a new place to take part in outdoor winter activities. The family-fun event will include: Belgian, horse-drawn sleigh rides by MacLeod’s Sleigh Rides; a chance to get up close to impressive birds of prey from Island Falconry Services; snowshoeing with equipment provided by Eastern Sports and Recreation Council, and archery with Archery Tag PEI. Well-known local sculptor, Abe Waterman, will also be on hand to give a demonstration of his snow-sculpting skills. Other activities include: guided bird tours; identifying animal tracks in the snow; an Animals of […]
Pillar of the Community: Impact Award!! – Finalist
Pillar of the Community-Impact Award Sponsored by MRSB Finalist Southeast Environmental Association February 13, 2018 PILLAR OF THE COMMUNITY – IMPACT AWARD – This award recognizes the organizations or individuals that have made an outstanding contribution to the economic, social and cultural well being of one or all of the communities in eastern Prince Edward Island. This nominee does NOT need to be a Chamber member but has positively impacted the community and demonstrated a commitment to making a difference and sees social responsibility as an integral part of business’ success.
Watershed group hopes to become more visible in southeast P.E.I. communities
March 20, 2017
by Mitch MacDonald March 20, 2017, The Guardian http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/news/local/2017/3/20/watershed-group-hopes-to-become-more-visible-in-southeast-p-e-i-.html?success=true Matthew McIver, a wildlife technician for the province, points to a mounted bald eagle while giving a family a close-up look at some of the wildlife found in P.E.I during the “Winter Frolic” hosted by the Southeast Environment Association. ©Mitch MacDonald/TC Media MILLTOWN CROSS, P.E.I. – Jackie Bourgeois knows that southeast P.E.I. residents want to be active in preserving and protecting their environment. And for many, there’s never been a better time to get involved. Bourgeois, the executive director of the Southeast Environment Association (SEA), said the group is hoping to increase its community outreach and education, with a “Winter Frolic” at Harvey Moore Wildlife Sanctuary on Sunday being an example […]
‘Stuck in a ditch’: Watershed protection group calling for equitable funding –
February 11, 2017
by Malcolm Campbell Febuary 11, 2017, CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-watershed-provincial-funding-formula-1.3976556 The Southeast Environmental Association says a new formula intended to create balanced funding for the province’s watershed groups may be flawed. Members of the P.E.I. Watershed Alliance voted in late November to accept the formula for distributing provincial money. Prior to the vote, any members of the alliance receiving federal funds for projects were prohibited from taking provincial money. ‘Stuck in a ditch’ Ian Petrie, secretary and treasurer of the Southeast Environmental Association, said this rule against provincial funds stopped his group and the Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association from working on much needed projects. Petrie said for more than a decade those two groups received federal funds under the Atlantic Coastal Action Plan, which precluded them from […]
Largest P.E.I. watershed group feels short-changed by new model
February 10, 2017
by Mitch MacDonald February 10, 2017, The Guardian http://www.theguardian.pe.ca/news/local/2017/2/10/largest-p-e-i–watershed-group-feels-short-changed-by-new-model.html CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I. – A new funding formula for P.E.I.’s watershed groups has left one group feeling short-changed. However, the P.E.I. Watershed Alliance says the new formula provides greater transparency on how provincial funds are split up among the groups. The annual $1.12 million from the province has a cap of $58,000 to each of the province’s watershed groups. Ian Petrie, secretary of the Southeast Environment Association (SEA), said the formula results in the group receiving what members feel is an unfair amount for its large coverage area of about 731 square km. “The way it works out is every other watershed is getting about $1.09 per hectare and we’re getting 80 […]
SEA struggles with funding cuts
January 4, 2017
By Charlotte MacAulay Jan 4, 2017, The Eastern Graphic http://www.peicanada.com/eastern_graphic/article_6ebef700-d1ee-11e6-9961-cff0c88b1628.html A cap of $58,000 on a portion of the province’s new Watershed Management Fund Formula will leave the Southeast Environment Association, SEA, short by $21,000. This is a significant amount considering the environmental group, which covers an area of 731 square kilometres, the largest on PEI, has only been eligible for a piece of the provincial pie in the last couple of years. More specifically, the remainder of the Island’s watershed groups will receive $1.09 per hectare. SEA’s cut amounts to 80 cents per hectare. For years SEA and one other PEI group, Bedeque Bay, received federal funding, which essentially left them ineligible for provincial money. Hands were tied because […]
Environmental group does shout out for more community engagement
January 13, 2016
Southeast Environmental Association excited by new opportunities
January 12, 2016
Southeast Environmental Association presents new look, new motivation and goals at AGM
October 25, 2015
by Chris McGarry Oct 25, 2015, The Eastern Graphic http://www.peicanada.com/eastern_graphic/article_4e45044c-7b6e-11e5-b154-6fc26ae6b171.html The Southeast Environmental Association (SEA) held its annual general meeting at the Access PEI in Montague on Saturday. Melissa Leard, left, project manager for SEA and Jackie Bourgeois, executive director of the nonprofit organization, explain a map of the steams of the Sturgeon River during a presentation on riparian assessments. Chris McGarry photo A small group of members of the Southeast Environmental Association (SEA) gathered at Access PEI in Montague for the nonprofit organization’s annual general meeting on Saturday. One of the key issues discussed was the provincial government’s proposed PEI Water Act. Jackie Bourgeois, executive director of SEA, said that although the purpose of the act is to protect […]
Southeast Environmental Association looks to engage public and boost volunteer numbers
October 22, 2015
by Luke Kenny Oct 22, 2015, The Eastern Graphic http://www.peicanada.com/eastern_graphic/article_81ee7612-7852-11e5-be6b-37aaa8b9df4d.html?mode=print MacLure’s Pond is a water quality site monitored by the Southeast Environmental Association in Murray River. Photo by Heather Moore. The Southeast Environmental Association (SEA) has seen some changes in their organization recently and they are looking for new members, volunteers and donations. Jackie Bourgeois is the executive director of SEA and wants to increase the presence of the organization because many people who have lived in the area their whole lives know little about it. “Since I started in 2012 I realized there was this gap in communication,” she said. “A lot of people think of a watershed group as being stream enhancement only but really we’re […]